Thursday, June 4, 2009

Poem: Beauty

is beauty a gift or a curse?
sometimes hard to tell
but I know for sure
I'm nowhere near as beautiful as my Creator...
the Author of all beauty
now, He is beautiful...

my brother, don't let it cause you
to stumble or fall
that burden, that guilt,
I cannot carry it at all

my sister, don't let it stir up
jealousy or strife
it's not worth it
beauty is not better than a beautiful life...

L-rd, let Your beauty be seen in me
outlasting age, through all eternity
that undying, unchanging beauty
cannot be bought or inherited
it's only found in You

and L-rd, don't let my eyes
chase after the beauty of this world
torn away from You by lust
and longing...
grieving Your Spirit with jealousy and envy

L-rd, keep me from falling in love with my own reflection
made in Your image, designed by Your perfection
when I look in the mirror,
L-rd, please help me to see
Your beautiful face looking back at me

my only desire, my object of adoration
Yeshua, let me see Your beauty in all Your creation

made in Your image for Your delight
may every living thing be beautiful in my sight...


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